

Stop Jane Bürgermeister from Going to Prison for Speaking the Truth

Jane Bürgermeister 

  When the story of the Swine Flu pandemic broke, it was a terrible scare. Jane Bürgermeister (an Austrian reporter) did what everyone else did & warned the public about the dangers of this illness and urged everyone to get vaccinated against it with the H1N1 vaccine.

While covering this story, she uncovered evidence that it was a hoax designed by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to scare people into getting vaccinated.

She turned all of her evidence over to the FBI and reported what she had found out to the public.

Subsequently, she was fired from her job as a reporter in an effort to silence her. When that failed to succeed, she was charged with fabricated crimes in a further effort to silence her.

She is due to go to court in Austria for these charges. She faces many years in prison and loss of all of her rights as an Austrian citizen.

Please sign the petition to show your support for the freedom of speech. Also it's an unequivical statement that we are entitled to the truth and have the right to make an informed decision regarding our health care and our bodies.

Sign the Petition Here

Update: When you click the link, you will see that they removed the opportunity to sign. Apparently only 1,000 signatures were needed (maybe it has something to do with the juridical system in Austria), and they reached that number very quickly. But support for Jane Bürgermeister
is still needed in any way possible, so please keep following this case on the web (the mainstream media of course are hardly covering this) and support her where you can.

Update 2: Read more about Jane's current situation, and the action being undertaken to support her, here. The latest news is on Jane's blog. Her case is also followed closely by Steve Beckow.
