
令人好奇的!丹佛 - 巨大的反恐演習由今天開始!我已搜查精英的日程 - 似乎所有的精英正從今天開始休假!


A Massive Terror Exercise has started today(23rd) in Denver Colorado.

Add that to the fact I had researched earlier this week to find where all the "Elite" of the world were going to be for the next couple of weeks, with my main target date of the 26th of September (Monday). Due to all the information about Elenin being in line and in between us and the Sun on the 26th and what could happen, I wanted to see if the "Elite" were going to be at their normal jobs.

I would say, Denver will be well protected starting today, for anyone going there for any reason!

I decided to do some research on the schedules of the "Elite".

I can confirm most of the Elite of the world will be out of their offices or have nothing scheduled starting this week/weekend.

This includes for some bizarre reason the House and Senate of the U.S., going on recess, even though they just now got back from a month long recess.

Here are all the links and information - that I have been able to dig up so far.
So it is not just rumor - but the sites confirm schedules.
I have not been able to pin point - the Russian/German/French government schedules, nor Clinton's schedule etc.

I have also looked at royalty sites and have not been able to find their schedules (Norway, Monaco, etc)

Here is what I have found:


FYI - the below did not come out the way it is situated online. Below from above link.

August 8 - September 5
September 26 - October 2 Senate Recess
House Recess


UK Parliament will be out of session
Conference 15 September 2011 10 October 2011

House of Lords will be out of session
15 September 2011 3 October 2011

Below see that somehow and for some reason a major amount of corporations happen to have "conferences" happening in Denver during those dates - which will be all the "elite" of those companies
He also has the fact that Obama's family will be joining him in Denver during those dates for a "campaign stop"


n a related story, there are many scheduled conferences in Colorado, where one of the world’s largest Deep Underground Military Bunkers (D.U.M.B.s) is located:
2011 ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource
September 25, 2011 – September 27, 2011
Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
Denver, CO
The Coca-Cola Company, NatureWorks and Cereplast headline the Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011
ControlLogix and RSLogix 5000 Training Seminar
September 27-29, 2011
September 26-27, 2011
2011 Homeland Security Symposium
September 26-27, 2011
6th Annual Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011
Strategies for Justice Conference
September 26-30, 2011
2011 Kentico Connection – Denver
September 26-30, 2011
EcoSys EPC (Enterprise Planning & Controls)
September 25-26, 2011
Annual Educational Networking Conference
September 25-27, 2011
NASA Lands in Colorado With International Space Station Events
September 21-27, 2011

Additionally, a report from the European Union Times states the following:
A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
(As noted above I have yet to confirm that the DEFCON 1 and Cocked Pistol information is true, not Sorcha Faal fear porn)

Someone just emailed me - that she read on GLP that someone had called the top Denver hotels and they all have rooms and are more vacant for those dates than filled. How is that possible if there are so many conferences there at the same time?


United Nations (clear on starting on 23rd of September) no specfic issues are scheduled on "general debates"

(check that one out and put in a date.... empty and says "no issue" - I checked all the way to the end of Sept.

Pope schedule:

Pope going to Germany on 23rd to 25th and then will be at his plane and at the airport (that is where they end it) saying then going back to Rome....


Canadian Govt going out of Session until Oct. 5


Bank of England has nothing on the schedule from 21st of September


Nothing at all on the Queen's schedule for anything the rest of the month.


Nothing for Prince Charles from 25th of Sept to 29th of Sept


Russian govt. site - can't tell where Putin will be - link above to schedule info


German govt. site - can't find their schedule for Sept.


That is what I have found so far - I have been researching this for a few hours.

Please add your information you find of an "Elite's schedule".

Where will Buffet, Soros, Gates, etc be this coming weekend?
