

Dr. Mark Sircus, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Translated by Coco Lee

終於!主流人仕都要承認疫苗是危險的,並且會造成嚴重的副作用!美聯社作家Lauran Neergaard沒有勇氣去刊登關於疫苗罕見但嚴重的副作用(包括死亡)。我們可以放心信任(諷刺)醫學研究所的說疫苗和自閉症之間和1型糖尿病並沒有任何關係。

Finally! The mainstream admits that vaccines are dangerous and cause certain side effects, sometimes serious ones! AP writer Lauran Neergaard did not have the nerve to put in print that the rare but really serious side effects include death but we can rest assured and trust (not really—I am being sarcastic here) the Institute of Medicine’s assertion that there is no link between vaccines and with autism and type-1 diabetes.

According to the first comprehensive safety review in 17 years (required by law) the side effects that doctors long have known about, such as fever-caused seizures and occasional brain inflammation are risks parents take every time they take their kids in for shots.

“All health care interventions, however, carry the possibility of risk and vaccines are no exception,” said pediatrician and bioethicist Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton of Vanderbilt University, who chaired the institute panel.

The Institute of Medicine found convincing evidence of 14 side effects:

– Fever-triggered seizures, which seldom cause long-term consequences, from the measles-mumps-rubella, or MMR, vaccine.

– MMR also can cause a rare form of brain inflammation in some people with immune problems.

– The varicella vaccine against chickenpox sometimes triggers that viral infection, resulting in widespread chickenpox or a painful relative called shingles. It can also occasionally lead to pneumonia, hepatitis or meningitis.

– Six vaccines—MMR and the chickenpox, hepatitis B, meningococcal and tetanus-containing vaccines—can cause severe allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis.

– Vaccines in general sometimes trigger fainting or a type of shoulder inflammation.
There’s suggestive evidence but not proof of a few other side effects, including anaphylaxis from the human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine and short-term joint pain in some women and children from the MMR vaccine.

The AP report and the government’s review mentioned a hundred other possible side effects that they just couldn’t find enough evidence to decide about.

On Monday I will publish a very important essay on infectious control. The age of antibiotics is about to end; we have come close to compromising our biological existence with the reckless overuse of these pharmaceuticals. Now we have antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens encroaching on our biospheres and it is getting increasingly dangerous to set foot anywhere near a hospital.

Many people, including children, who die in the hospital after surgery die not from the surgery itself but from infections that get out of control. Infections cause 68 percent of child deaths even after our mighty white-coated pediatricians have vaccinated over 90 percent of them.

Please read the AP essay from which the information for this essay comes. You will find it an exercise in being able to see the power of a writer to skew information in any direction desired. Through the adding and deleting of a few commentarial words one can shift the perceptions of the readers greatly.

Vaccines were the earliest exercise in one-world government and they succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. The pharmaceutical terror masters who sit in their plush boardrooms are monsters targeting children everywhere. Vaccines, like antibiotics, have dragged children’s health into the gutter—into chronic diseases and a life of dependency on doctors who have no idea of how they’ve been hoodwinked by really bad people.

There are other much safer means of controlling infection, so stay tuned for my essay early next week.

Dr. Mark Sircus is a natural health expert and self-sufficiency advocate.  He is the author of several must-read books including titles such as Survival Medicine For the 21st Century, Winning the War on Cancer, and Humane Pediatrics.  You can find all of Mark's informative articles at his website IMVA.
source: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/08/vaccines-are-dangerous-government-says.html